Dedicated Marijuana Account Grant (DMAc) Program

On behalf of the Center for Cannabis Policy, Research, and Outreach (CCPRO), the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Research Program reviews proposals for research on the causes and short- and long-term effects of marijuana use and the outcomes of use. DMAc proposals are funded by the Dedicated Marijuana Account established by State of Washington Initiative 502. Funding is for a maximum of $30,000, and projects are up to 23 months in duration. Final funding decisions are made by CCPRO. Note that this funding program has different deadlines, requirements, and application formats than other ADARP funding mechanisms. The DMAc grant competition is held in odd numbered years.

ORSO Approval Deadline: TBA

Download Instructions for 2023 DMAc Research Grant Applications (to be posted)

Please note that the WSU Office of Research Support and Operations (ORSO) requires all grant proposals to be submitted two working days before the deadline or the eREX will be subject to manual approval at all levels. Some departments require additional processing time. Consult your department’s grant administrator for additional information.